Haitian Vodou continues to elicit feelings of unease and mystery for those who remain ignorant of its true essence and purpose, due to centuries of negative propaganda it has been subject to.

Reduced to nothing but superstitious ritual practices and ceremonies of dance and song in the mainstream, it remains largely misunderstood, not recognised as a complete system of faith with millions of adherents worldwide.

This film is about the Cosmological principles enshrined in Haitian Vodou as a syncretic theology rooted in West Africa and how it shapes the perspectives and worldview of its practitioners, shedding light on why it was the essential ideological foundation off which the first Black Republic in the Western Hemisphere was founded.

It explores its fundamental tenets and concepts to illustrate how it afforded the galvanisation and organisation of enslaved Africans of different backgrounds spiritually, socially, politically and militarily to secure the most incredible victory ever recorded in Modern times; the sole example to date of successful revolutionary Pan-Africanism in action.

It also explores the stigmatisation of Vodou through the memetic constructions attributed to the label Voodoo and its fear-mongering depictions in the Media. It explores Vodou theology as a sacred science of Nature and the positive impact it holds for practitioners and Afrofuturism.